sábado, 20 de junio de 2015

Prepositions of Place.

A continuación se presentan las diferentes Preposiciones de lugar:

  • On:
Ejemplo: The book is on the table.
  • In:
Ejemplo: I live in Manchester.
  • Above: 
Ejemplo: The clock is above the table.
  • Under:
Ejemplo: The Ball is under the chair.
  • Next to:
Ejemplo: The supermarket is next to the bank.
  • In front of:
Ejemplo: The hotel is in front of the bus station.
  • Across from:
Ejemplo: The park is across from the church.
  • Near:
Ejemplo:The ball is near the dog.
  • Behind:
Ejemplo: The school is behind the park.
  • Between:
Ejemplo: The shop is between the police station and the bank.

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